Porady żywieniowe

Importance of dairy products and children’s health

Skeleton functions include body support, internal organ protection, mineral homeostasis and a role in acid-base regulation. Peak bone mass is one of the most reliable indicators of bone health. From 60 yo 800% of peak bone mass variance are explained by genetic factors, gender, external forces, hormones… But nutritional insufficiency can alter bone growth. Nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and protein are major nutritional determinants of bone mass accrual, and we can find all of them in dairy products. By fact, many chronic diseases and conditions are related to, and modified by, dietary intake. For example, osteoporosis and fractures in children and adolescents are additional disease states increasingly of public health and health policy importance. (1,2)

Osteoporosis is characterized by significant decreases in bone mass and increased bone fragility. Data suggest that bone mass accrual during childhood and adolescence is a major determinant of peak bone mass and, in turn, a determinant of fracture risk in later life. More than 95% of adult skeletons are formed by the end of adolescence. In fact, many studies show us that dairy product consumption during childhood and adolescence leads o a higher peak bone mass and fewer fracture risk in the future. As example, a study found that a diet devoid of dairy is associated with a 4.6 fold increase in fracture risk in girls between the age of 2 and 20 years old.  (2)

In conclusion, there is growing evidence that consequences of age-related or postmenopausal bone loss on fracture risk will depend on the level of peak bone mass achieved during childhood and adolescence.

On the other hand, there are many more benefits related to dairy products consumed. For example, a study in which a 65 years follow up was performed, shows a positive effect of calcium consumption with lower odds of all causes of mortality in adulthood, particularly a reduced risk of death from stroke. In addition, observational studies have shown protective effects from increased consumption of dairy products on blood pressure. We must remember there is a strong, graded association between increasing levels of blood pressure and the progression of cardiovascular diseases. (3)

According to Statista.com The average consumer in Poland drank nearly three liters of milk per month in 2021. This was a decrease compared to 2000, when the above mentioned product consumption amounted to 5.39 liters. Therefore, milk consumption among Polish people is at its lowest in the decade. Nevertheless, we know about dairy products consumption among your children and adolescents and that’s why we still offer them a wide range of dairy products such as milk, yogurt…  (4)

But if we want to secure a correct calcium absorption we must talk about vitamin D role. Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that has long been known to help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus; both are critical for building bone. This vitamin manages some mineral’s blood content such as calcium and phosphorus by grabbing them from the bone itself. There has been shown an association between a decrease of vitamin D consumption and an increased risk of type I diabetes development, cardiovascular disease, certain cancer, cognitive decline, autoimmunity, allergy and even pregnancy complications. It is estimated that vitamin D regulates, directly or indirectly, the expression of more than 2000 genes. (3)

And which food contains a good amount of Vitamin D? Essentially it comes into fish oils such as tuna, salmon or sardines; and in some fruits like oranges. Nowadays, even some dairy products are vitamin D enrichment so they stand as a good vitamin D source.

With all this information we can give you some advices for your family daily meals to secure your children’s correct calcium absorption and bone health:

  • You should include in their diets rich phosphore vegetables: it has been demonstrated that our body reaches the highest calcium’s absorption levels from vegetable sources such as nuts, seeds or seaweeds.
  • Secure a high magnesium food. Magnesium plays a huge role in the Vitamin D absorption process, which is directly involved in calcium absorption. Legumes or whole grain bread are great magnesium foods.
  • As we explained before, it is important to sunbathe, with protection if needed, to stimulate Vitamin D synthesis.
  • It is important that children perform a correct food chewing in order to facilitate a correct nutrient absorption in the intestine.

In addition, we are going to give you some ideas for your children´s meal in order to secure their bone correct growth:

  • Grilled sole
  • Beef with mixed mushroom sauce
  • Hake papillote with spinach
  • Steamed broccoli with almond vinaigrette.
  • Cabbage rolls stuffed with chicken and apple
  • Bean cream with crunchy ham
  • Zucchini puree with Parmesan
  • Vegetable skewers and tofu battered with sesame


1.  Rizzoli R. Dairy products and bone health. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022;34(1):9–24.

2.  Bounds W, Skinner J, Carruth BR, Ziegler P. The Relationship of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors to Bone Mineral Indexes in Children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2005 May 1;105(5):735–41.

3.  Rizzoli R, Bianchi ML, Garabédian M, McKay HA, Moreno LA. Maximizing bone mineral mass gain during growth for the prevention of fractures in the adolescents and the elderly. Bone. 2010 Feb 1;46(2):294–305.4.         Jensen T. Poland [Internet]. Eurofish. 2021 [cited 2023 Mar 30]. Available from: https://eurofish.dk/member-countries/poland/